Franco Berbeglia

About me

I am Assistant Professor of Management at Purdue University. I have recently obtained my PhD in Operations Management with a minor in Marketing & Machine Learning at the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

My research interests lie in the interface between Operations Management and Marketing. In particular, I am interested in problems that are pertinent to the entertainment industry and digital markets, such as optimal release timing strategies, ranking optimization under social influence, and piracy. My work centers around structural modeling and game theory, which allows the development of optimal strategies using counterfactual and equilibrium analysis.

Prior to my PhD, I completed a MSc in Physics at the University of Buenos Aires specializing in Fluid Dynamics. Upon graduation from UBA, I was an intern at the National Center for Information and Communications Technology of Australia, where I worked on consumer choice models under social influence.

Work in Progress

Journal Publications

Refereed Conference Proceedings